Reframing complex challenges and creating practical solutions
Reframing complex challenges and creating practical solutions
All successful organizations are committed to exceeding the expectations of their customers, stakeholders, and employees. These organizations have dedicated and talented professionals with innumerable strengths used to solve problems, overcome obstacles, innovate and transform.
Collaborating with an experienced professional who understands the unique challenges of organizations delivering organ, eye and tissue services, can offer an alternative perspective, find new ways to leverage existing strengths, stabilize the organization during times of transition, or simply provide an extra pair of hands to move a project forward.
You can do anything, you just can't do everything; let's tackle this together.
You can do anything, you just can't do everything; let's tackle this together.

Demonstrate your commitment to developing leaders with learning experiences that are relevant, rigorous and contextualized for the challenges they face today.
Demonstrate your commitment to developing leaders with learning experiences that are relevant, rigorous and contextualized for the challenges they face today.

Process improvement initiatives are opportunities to engage and develop those responsible for doing the work. Imagine your team improving tissue chart clearing and learning how to use LEAN tools along the way.​
Process improvement initiatives are opportunities to engage and develop those responsible for doing the work. Imagine your team improving tissue chart clearing and learning how to use LEAN tools along the way.​

The world is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) and it's here to stay. Can you adapt quickly, navigate beyond your comfort zone and empower others to do the same? Let's create safe settings to question everything!
The world is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) and it's here to stay. Can you adapt quickly, navigate beyond your comfort zone and empower others to do the same? Let's create safe settings to question everything!

Diana Buck M.Ed, MBA, CTBS
Diana Buck M.Ed, MBA, CTBS
Diana Buck is the principal consultant of D Buck Consulting Group and has more than 40 years of operational and executive leadership experience. Her passion is working with people to optimize core systems to get things done through questioning, collaboration, and the discipline needed to operationalize strategy within today’s evolving reality.
Successful in two distinctly different careers. First, a 20-year career in non-profit human services providing community-based education, treatment, and residential care for children and adults with differing abilities. While completing her MBA, she transitioned to the exciting healthcare field of organ and tissue donation and transplantation. As an experienced leader, Diana is known for establishing and growing mission-driven services that make a difference in the lives of others.
A ferocious learner and not afraid to make mistakes, Diana has amassed an impressive tool kit of tips, tricks, and skills. She is experienced in applied behavior analysis, organizational behavioral theory, precision teaching, evidence-based leadership, skillful conversations, skills-based coaching, lean conversions, and quality systems thinking, just to name a few.
"Diana's detailed review of our current state and strategic view of where we needed to be in our future state provided a program with exceptional results. Her ability to connect with all levels and drive interdepartmental collaboration exceeded our expectations." Diane Wilson Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer Solvita (formerly Community Tissue Services)